Gabriella Nicolini

Graduated in Biological Sciences (1996) and PhD in Morphological Sciences at University of Milan. Researcher (BIO17) at School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milano-Bicocca.

University of Milano – Bicocca

Via Cadore, 48
20900 – Monza (MB)


Gabriella Nicolini was born in Milan on May 25, 1970. She graduated in Biological Sciences (1996) and received PhD in Morphological Sciences (2001) at University of Milan.
Since 2007 she has been working at the same department (now School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milano-Bicocca) as researcher (BIO17).
Assistant professor of histology, embryology and microscopic anatomy in Bachelor and Master of Science program, Member of the faculty of the PhD program in Neuroscience.
She is experienced in cell cultures (cell lines, primary cultures, 3D cultures and transfected cell lines) and particularly in neurons and glial primary cultures.
She was PI in the submission of an in vitro model to European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) for the validation as antineoplastic drugs’ neurotoxicology.test. She is experienced in the principal techniques of molecular biology.
Additionally, she has significant experience in cellular models for Photon Activation Therapy (PAT), which she developed in various synchrotron experimental sections carried out at synchrotrons facilities in Grenoble, France, and Villigen, Switzerland following project approval.
She is PI for the project “Multidisciplinary Approach to Optimize The Promising Anti Glioblastoma Candidate MV1035” funded by Fondazione Giovanni Celeghin contro i tumori cerebrali.
She is author of 62 publications in international journals.