Alessia Chiorazzi

Graduated in Medical Biotechnology and PhD in Neuroscience, currently a laboratory technician at the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milano-Bicocca.
University of Milano – Bicocca
U8 Building – 1st floor – Room 1034
Via Cadore, 48
20900 – Monza (MB)
Chiorazzi Alessia was born in Monza on 2 October 1983.
She graduated in Medical Biotechnology (2017) and received PhD in Neuroscience (2010) at University of Milano-Bicocca.
She is currently a laboratory technician at the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milano-Bicocca.
Since 2007 she has been studying the damage induced by the use of antineoplastic drugs on the peripheral nervous system. In particular, she has been involved in research studies in the field of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity (CIPN) at a preclinical level. In this field she has been involved in the conduction of in vivo experiments performed in mice and rats (from the drafting to the implementation of the project) to study the molecular mechanisms of peripheral neuropathies induced by antineoplastic drugs, and the neuroprotective strategies.
She carries out behavioral and molecular studies in order to study the neurotoxic and painful side effects of these drugs on the peripheral nervous system. During this period she has been involved in collaborative studies with National and International Research Institutes and she was a visiting research fellow at the University of Maryland (2012).
She is author of 58 scientific papers on International peer-reviewed journals and 2 book chapters (H index: 23 on Scopus).
She is currently a laboratory technician at the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milano-Bicocca.
Since 2007 she has been studying the damage induced by the use of antineoplastic drugs on the peripheral nervous system. In particular, she has been involved in research studies in the field of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity (CIPN) at a preclinical level. In this field she has been involved in the conduction of in vivo experiments performed in mice and rats (from the drafting to the implementation of the project) to study the molecular mechanisms of peripheral neuropathies induced by antineoplastic drugs, and the neuroprotective strategies.
She carries out behavioral and molecular studies in order to study the neurotoxic and painful side effects of these drugs on the peripheral nervous system. During this period she has been involved in collaborative studies with National and International Research Institutes and she was a visiting research fellow at the University of Maryland (2012).
She is author of 58 scientific papers on International peer-reviewed journals and 2 book chapters (H index: 23 on Scopus).